The greater your total physical activity, the better your mental health scores will be. In other words, to control depression in college students through physical activities, it was considered more effective to apply personalized high and medium intensity programs that were adequate for individual physical strength. In this study, the amount of physical activity positively affected the personal relationship in the high intensity groups compared to the low and medium intensity groups. In addition, physical activity programs for college students of both sexes should not include only high-intensity exercise.
Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the differences between depression and personal relationships according to the amount of physical activity among university students and to identify the relationships between these variables to provide preliminary data on the management of depression and personal relationships through physical activity. The rebellious and distrustful dimension (F%3D 3.143, P%3D 0.04) showed that the level of personal relationships was higher in the low-intensity physical activity group than in the high-intensity physical activity group. In conclusion, this study seeks to explore the mechanism of influence of physical exercise on the depression of university students and to build a model of chain mediation of physical exercise in the depression of university students with social support and self-concept as mediating variables. In this regard, the results of the study, which revealed positive personal relationships among university students in groups with high levels of physical activity, had significant implications.
The study classified students into three groups based on their activity level (low, medium, and high intensity activities) to determine if college students who engaged in low or high physical activity were more likely to suffer from depression. Regarding sociometric disposition, acceptable sympathetic factors (F%3D 12.118, P%3D 0.00) and sociable friendliness (F%3D 22.689, P%3D 0.00) indicated that personal relationships were higher in high-intensity physical activity groups than in low and medium intensity physical activity groups. As for the expressive disposition, the competitive aggression factor (F %3D 5.209, p %3D 0.00) indicated that the level of personal relationships was higher in the high-intensity physical activity group than in the low-intensity group. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide basic data to control depression and interpersonal tendencies through physical activity by investigating the amount of physical activity of university students and analyzing whether there was a difference in depression and the propensity for interpersonal relationships according to the amount of physical activity.
If university department administrators do not recognize this phenomenon and do not take appropriate intervention measures, timely intervention measures, the physical and mental health development of university students will be seriously hampered. A post-hoc analysis was carried out using the Tukey test and a correlation analysis was carried out to examine the degree of correlation between the level of physical activity, depression and personal relationships. With regard to interpersonal relationships depending on physical activity, with regard to sociometric disposition, there were differences between the groups in terms of the factors of sympathy, acceptance and social sympathy and, in terms of the expressive disposition, in the factors competitive-aggressive and rebellious and distrustful.